Prof. Dr. Karsten Bredemeier –your expert for TopExecutive-Coachings
... Pros working with Pros!
Dr. Karsten Bredemeier is known as a TopExecutive-Coach, communication strategist and is presumed to be the rhetoric therapist of Germany (manager magazine). His long-term function as managing partner of a prestigious consultancy, his theological background as well as his journalistic expertise provide an excellent base for his repeatedly rewarded teaching and consulting activities for Dax companies, medium-sized businesses and start-ups. This enormous array is complemented with long-term consultancy of top-athletes and (inter)national politics, as well as with lecturing activities at various universities (of applied sciences) concerning the topics ‘business ethics’, ‘business strategy’ and ‘communication’. As a highly appreciated Keynote-Speaker, he combines therapeutic topics and sociopsychological concepts in order to create new, persuasive communication models.
As best-selling author, he published 15 books in 20 languages with more than 150 editions.
As a highly appreciated Keynote-Speaker, he combines therapeutic topics and sociopsychological concepts in order to create new, persuasive communication models.
Prof. Dr. Bredemeier (co-)founded several start-ups (e.g. Clevertanken) and has an investment in several companies.
- Study of Ev. Theology with ecclesiastical examination
- Promotion to Dr. of theology at the "Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn"
- Freelance journalist (DJV), Training for journalists
- Managing Partner at Mummert+Partnerm FVT GmbH up until June 1996
- Independent advisor since July 1996 for top-executive level communication
- TopExecutiveCoach for Academy’s and Corporate University’s for example Allianz, Dt. Bank, Deutsche Telekom
- Teaching activities at various universities
Teaching activities
- University of Heidelberg, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim Communication for physicians and doctors
- Frankfurt School of Finance, Partium University Oradea Communication and Business Ethics
- Business School University of Moscow, Dubai Communication, Journalism and PR
- TU Dortmund University, FOM Business ethics, communication, negotiation
- Provadis F/M Hon. professorship, strategic corporate management, corporate strategy, business and corporate ethics, start-ups, CSR, communication in English
- EIM European Institute of Management Zurich/Malta Prof. Dr. Karsten Bredemeier teaches Strategic Corporate Management/ Corporate Strategy/ Business and Corporate Ethics/ Start-ups/ CSR/ Communication in English.
The Rhetoric-Code - decoded!
The rhetoric code. A guidepost. A promise of results. DECODED!
Professional communication for presentations, lectures, in conferences or other media events must follow key rules to ensure it keeps you on-track and delivers a successful end result. Linguistic relativizations, mental bankruptcies and verbal declarations of incompetence impede this orientation and may stop the message getting through to your audience.
Dr. Karsten Bredemeier decodes the rhetoric, with verbal performance that establishes a trajectory and achieves a successful end result, ensuring neurolinguistic insights and cutting-edge socio-psychological results are leveraged for full efficacy.
Modern research into the brain is applied to ensure recipients can process the information and facts and figures remain in place by observing these rules.
Put an end to verbal insolvency applications – read and follow the rhetoric code rules – decoded for you with Dr. Karsten Bredemeier.
The famous workshop: Black Rhetoric
Your workshop aims
Black rhetoric in connection with professional dialectics is the most outstanding manipulative and conversation assertive possibility to avail oneself of all necessary rhetorical, dialectical eristical and rabulistical manipulations. You will not only be able to determine the conversation, but guide it aim-oriented to the desired direction and at the same time lead either your conversational partner or your audience to the intended conclusion.
This workshop is going to inform you about all possibilities of professionally heading for the level of negotiation instead of the level of information, consequently either using dialectical and manipulative conversation models or abrogating those on your conversational partner, aim-oriented exposing verbal and mental statements of incompetence as well as bankruptcy, distinguishing at which questions in which context your arguments are either untouchable or ineffective, disentangling the clew of a conversation and providing a golden thread to every segment of it, complementing question techniques with optimized, for example appellative conversation models, converting negative thinking and behavior models into positive and consensus-oriented excitement and approval, adroitly and elegantly annulling conversation killers, transferring the own position to the conversational partner or the audience, confidently and rhetorical outclassing the conversational partner in hard discussions, breaking with obsolesce management rules and reflecting those efficiently.
Workshop contents
You are going to …
- Learn all necessary rhetorical and dialectical instruments and being taught how to use them to guide conversations as well as discussions to the desired direction.
- Disentangle the clew of every conversation and provide a golden thread to it.
- Convincingly switch negative thinking and behavior models into positive and consensus-oriented excitement and approval.
- Adroitly and elegantly annul conversation killers.
- Dominate conversations with the help of professional techniques and a confident negotiation.
- Overthink your approach of “solidary motivated negotiation”(Rupert Lay) and experience victor’s dominance through language.
- Get to know more persuasive techniques and methods of Quick-Wittedness with the help of the 3-T-rule.
Always there for you

Yvonne Lennertz, Chief Executive Assistant